The new version of FieldMOVE contains all of the functionality in the FieldMOVE Clino app, but this has been presented in a map-centric format for use on larger touchscreen tablets.
When you have collected sufficient data you can use the new drawing tools that include a virtual mouse for precision drawing, to create geological boundaries, fault traces and other linework on your basemap. It is also possible to create simple polygons to show the distribution of different rock types.
The linework that you create in FieldMOVE (and in Clino) is fully geo-referenced and this information is preserved when the project is exported to other applications. Getting your project out of the application is straightforward.
Data can be exported in three different formats: a MOVETM file for direct import into Petex's MOVE software for model building and analysis, a CSV file (comma-separated values, similar to an Excel spreadsheet), and as a Google Earth (.kmz) file.
FieldMOVE is designed for Apple and Android tablets and contains a virtual mouse which enables users to produce detailed linework. Summary of features:
- Interactive editing of linework
- Sketching on photographs
- Digital compass clinometer with an intuitive interface based around your map
- Import your own basemaps including MBTile and GeoTiff to work offline.
- Cache the extensive online map services to work offline in the field.
- Automatic data capture or manual entry
- User defined list of rock units or stratigraphy
- Digital notebook and camera within the app
- Automatic positioning using the GPS in your device or manual over-ride
- Easy editing of data and projects. Store and switch multiple projects.
- Expanded library of symbols for planar and linear features
- Stereonet display of geological data
- Draw contacts, faults and outcrop polygons on your chosen basemap
- Draw freehand on the large map, or utilise the Virtual Mouse for precision drawing
- Export your data as MOVE, KMZ or CSV files to other applications such as MOVETM
FieldMOVE has been built with Qt, which is the same development platform used by MOVE. The application will run on Apple (iPad and iPad mini) and Android tablets, but it is not designed and in most cases cannot be used on smaller smartphone devices.
iOS iPad
Android tablet
Operating System
Device Compatibility
iOS 8 and above running on iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad mini, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3.
WiFi and Cellular model is required for GPS sensors. We recommend at least an iPad 4, iPad Air or iPad mini 2 for better for ideal performance.
Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and above.
Tablets must have a magnetometer, gyroscope and accelerometer for the orientation readings to work.